Trooper K Dishes on the Corporate Transparency Act

Around this time last year, Trooper K granted an interview with this reporter to discuss Kristi Noem, and her exploits in the field of canine population control.  Never one to rest on his laurels, Trooper was lulled out of retirement to provide this penetrating interview containing his thoughts on the Corporate Transparency Act.    For brevity, certain portions of the interview have been omitted, and some of Trooper’s answers have been condensed by removing his woofs.                                          Trooper K being interviewed   …

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How Congress Created Job Security for Rudolph and his Reindeer

The movie Elf confirmed what we all suspected.  Life at the North Pole is a pretty good life.  Work hard and Santa and the Mrs. reward you.  Quality is important.  Timmy’s truck better have wheels that rotate; Susie’s oven (it is a land of traditional values) better have a working bell when the cupcakes are ready.  Under the tutelage of Mr. and Mrs. Claus, Will Ferrell learned if you don’t succeed at first,  you try, try again until you get it right.  That way there are no disappointed children on December 25th. To be sure, not everyone has painted such …

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Reporting Requirements under the New Corporate Transparency Act

Perhaps you have heard that effective January 1, 2024 all United States organizations have a new reporting requirement created by the federal Corporate Transparency Act (“CTA”).  The purpose of the CTA is to prevent owners from creating shell corporations to hide assets and launder money.  It was enacted as part of the legislative response to stymie covert financing of terrorist operations.  The CTA  requires that “beneficial owners” of a corporate entity must be identified and that information is kept in a federal data base.  All reporting entities must file a Beneficial Ownership Information (“BOI”) report with the United States Department …

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Sarah Silverman, you can’t be serious! You are suing a chatbot?? Be grateful you are not Mark Walters!!

Introduction  A rabbi, a priest and a chatbot walk into a bar.  I don’t know about you, but I would  like to hear Sarah Silverman complete that story.  I’m sure she will end it better than I, if I dare to complete it (stay tuned).  Sarah Silverman, in case you don’t know, is a brilliant comedian; a 21st century Mrs. Maisel.  According to Kramer, she’s even got the “jimmy legs.”  Everything she says is funny.  Well, almost everything.  Recently she undertook a rather unfunny campaign; she is suing two chatbots.  OK, technically she is not suing the chatbots; she is …

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Pauline and Parcus Penguin Arrested by Dallas Authorities for Committing Abortion

In 1998, a team of researchers made the three-and-a-half day trek to the isolated Antipodes Islands in the South Pacific to study one of its few residents: the enigmatic and endangered erect-crested penguin.  The results of their research were published on Wednesday in the journal PLOS ONE, chronicling the birds’ demographics and unique parenting style — including neglecting, and in some cases killing, potential chicks.   …  The smaller eggs often were not incubated by their parents, and most ended up rolling out of the nest or accidentally getting smashed. …  Occasionally, the penguins seemed to deliberately shove the tiny eggs out …

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The Magic Bench: Explaining the Un-Original Wizardry of Roe v. Wade and Dobbs v. Jackson

Introduction Remember that game you used to play with your weird cousin Margaret when you were a kid.  She would bring you into a room, close the shades, turn off all but one light bulb, maybe put a red towel over it, then break out the magic: the Ouija Board.  You had to close your eyes, ask a question, and then mysteriously, guided by the hand of some invisible person who co-inhabited her psyche,  Margaret would slowly guide the “planchette” over certain letters.  Eventually the chosen letters spelled words which answered your question.  Sometimes you were allowed to also touch …

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Your COVID-19 Questions Answered by an Expert

These are certainly trying times we live in.  We understand your worries and anxieties about trying to get back to a normal life in the midst of a pandemic.  To help address your questions about life in the pandemic, we have asked the world-renowned COVID-19 expert and etiquette maven, Toni Faucinini, to answer your questions about appropriate social behavior in this crazy COVID world. Dear Toni, I am hosting a dinner party next week.  Approximately 15 guests will be attending.  It is in celebration of my husband’s 40th birthday.  We have gone to great lengths to make sure all persons …

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Lenny Bruce and Dave Chappelle Are Right, Of Course, and Justice Harlan Concurs

In case I am so old that I know stuff you don’t know, Lenny Bruce was a ground-breaking comedian in the 1950s and 1960s. One of his themes was this. Words themselves contain nothing wrong. There are no bad words; just bad people, bad connotations. Words acquire bad connotations through censorship; eliminate censorship and you eliminate the state of mind that says words have to be censored. Remove the taboo and no one will care. Then the word will lose its harmful potency.  Click: Dustin Hoffman channels Lenny Bruce.   It is not very difficult to connect Lenny Bruce to …

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