Trooper K Dishes on What’s-to-be-done about What’s-her-Noem

Every year the Massachusetts chapter of the Society for the Decimation of Rabbits holds its annual meeting in May.  This year the big topic of discussion was the revelation of canine population control contained in Republican vice-presidential hopeful Kristi Noem’s forthcoming book, No Going Back, The Truth on What’s Wrong with Politics and How We can Move America Forward (Again).  As Chapter President, Trooper K. agreed to this interview, to present the views of the Massachusetts Chapter on those deeds of vigilantism described in Kristi’s book.   For brevity, certain portions of the interview have been omitted, and some of Trooper’s …

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The Rise of Natural Stupidity

Introduction It’s a tale as old as time.  Every movement gives birth to a counter-movement.  Newton codified it as his third law: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.  While Newton was describing the characteristics of material objects and laws of physics, his observation holds true for social as well as physical movement.  Every strongly-held belief seems to engender the creation of an opposite belief.  Another way to put it is that for every Superman there is a Lex Luthor.  Religious worshippers butt heads with atheists; Republicans with Democrats; Yankee fans with Red Sox fans; the list …

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