Trooper K Dishes on What’s-to-be-done about What’s-her-Noem

Every year the Massachusetts chapter of the Society for the Decimation of Rabbits holds its annual meeting in May.  This year the big topic of discussion was the revelation of canine population control contained in Republican vice-presidential hopeful Kristi Noem’s forthcoming book, No Going Back, The Truth on What’s Wrong with Politics and How We can Move America Forward (Again).  As Chapter President, Trooper K. agreed to this interview, to present the views of the Massachusetts Chapter on those deeds of vigilantism described in Kristi’s book.   For brevity, certain portions of the interview have been omitted, and some of Trooper’s …

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The Magic Bench: Explaining the Un-Original Wizardry of Roe v. Wade and Dobbs v. Jackson

Introduction Remember that game you used to play with your weird cousin Margaret when you were a kid.  She would bring you into a room, close the shades, turn off all but one light bulb, maybe put a red towel over it, then break out the magic: the Ouija Board.  You had to close your eyes, ask a question, and then mysteriously, guided by the hand of some invisible person who co-inhabited her psyche,  Margaret would slowly guide the “planchette” over certain letters.  Eventually the chosen letters spelled words which answered your question.  Sometimes you were allowed to also touch …

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